25 Easy Fidget Spinner Tricks for Beginner to Expert

Fidget spinners have become a trendy toy in recent times, and with their growing popularity, the emergence of fidget spinner tricks has become obvious. The essential parts of a fidget spinner include the center cap, which users hold while spinning, the bearings, which are small metal balls in the middle, and the outer weights that protrude from the center cap. 

As the toy gains more attention, fidget spinner tricks have become a fun way to improve focus, motor skills, and hand-eye coordination. This guide provides an introduction to various fidget spinner tricks, catering to both beginners and experts, offering valuable tips to help refine their skills and get the most out of their spinner.

Understanding Your Fidget Spinner – The Basics

Fidget spinners have become a popular toy in recent years, and understanding the different parts of a fidget spinner can help you make the most of it. Here are the basics of understanding your fidget spinner:

The Center Cap

The center cap is the part of the fidget spinner that you hold onto while spinning it. It is usually circular and can be made of various materials such as plastic, metal, or wood. The center cap is where you place your thumb and middle finger to hold the spinner in place while spinning it.  The center cap is also responsible for keeping the fidget spinner balanced and spinning smoothly.

The Bearings

The bearings are the small metal balls that are located in the center of the fidget spinner. They are responsible for reducing friction and allowing the spinner to spin smoothly and for a longer period of time. The quality of the bearings plays a big role in how smoothly and quietly the fidget spinner spins.

The Outer Weights

The outer weights are the three or more weighted arms that extend from the center cap of the fidget spinner. The outer weights are responsible for distributing the weight of the fidget spinner evenly and making it easier to spin. They are typically made of metal or plastic and can be of different sizes and shapes..

How the Components Work Together

When you spin a fidget spinner, the center cap and the bearings work together to keep the spinner balanced and spinning smoothly. The outer weights help to distribute the weight of the spinner evenly and make it easier to spin.

Fidget Spinner Tricks for Beginners to Experts

Fidget spinners are a fun and popular fidget toy that can also be used to do a variety of tricks. Some of them are mentioned below.

A) Beginner Tricks

1. Balancing on One Finger

Start with the spinner spinning on your dominant hand’s index finger. Try to maintain the spinner’s balance by keeping your hand steady.

Tips: It’s all about the balance. Practice on different fingers to challenge yourself. As you get comfortable, try moving your finger in circles, keeping the spinner steady.

2. Tossing Between Hands

Begin by spinning the fidget spinner on one hand. Once it’s spinning at a good speed, gently toss it to your other hand.

Tips: Start by tossing at a short distance. As you get the hang of it, increase the distance for an added challenge.

3. Under the Leg

Spin the fidget spinner and, while it’s still in motion, swiftly pass it underneath your leg, catching it with the opposite hand.

Tips: Start with a high leg lift to give ample space for the spinner to pass through.

4. Finger Tap

Spin the fidget spinner on one hand. Using the index finger of your opposite hand, tap the spinner’s side to boost its speed or change its direction.

Tips: A gentle tap is often enough. Aim for the outer edges for maximum effect.

5. Lazer Spin

In a dim environment, attach a mini laser pointer to one arm of the spinner. As it spins, it will create a laser circle or pattern.

Tips: Always be cautious when using lasers. Ensure you don’t shine it directly into anyone’s eyes.

6. Vertical Spin Catch

Initiate a spin, then toss the spinner vertically into the air. The aim is to catch it while maintaining its vertical spin.

Tips: Keep your eye on the spinner’s center to gauge where it will fall, ensuring a precise catch.

7. Switching Between Fingers

With the spinner in motion on one finger, such as your index, smoothly slide it onto the adjacent finger, like your middle finger, without stopping its rotation.

Tips: Begin by practicing the switch without the spin. Once you’re comfortable, incorporate the spinning motion. Flexibility and finger coordination are key.

8. Spinners with Lights

Some fidget spinners come equipped with LED lights. These add a visual spectacle, especially in dimly lit environments. Incorporate these in your performances for a radiant display.

Tips: If you’re performing in the dark, ensure your surroundings are safe and obstacle-free. Choreograph your moves to highlight the play of lights, perhaps even syncing with the beat of music for added drama.

B) Intermediate Tricks

9. Using a Different Body Part

Move beyond your fingers. Try spinning the fidget spinner on your nose, elbow, or even your toe!

Tips: Ensure the spinner is clean, especially if you’re using facial parts. It’s a good idea to practice balancing the spinner on these parts without spinning first.

10. Throwing it High in the Air 

Start the spinner spinning, and with a swift upward motion, toss it high into the air. The aim is to catch it while it’s still spinning.

Tips: Practice in an open area with a high ceiling or outdoors. Ensure your hands are ready to catch the spinner on its way down to avoid any mishaps.

11. Knee Bounce

Begin by spinning the fidget spinner and then bounce it off your knee, catching it again in your hand without stopping its motion.

Tips: Wear long pants or knee guards initially to prevent any accidental bruises. Also, it helps to give a slight upward thrust with your knee when bouncing.

12. Flipping it Over

Spin the fidget spinner on your hand or a flat surface. Using your fingers or a gentle push, flip the spinner over without stopping its spin and catch or let it land while maintaining its spin.

Tips: This trick requires perfect timing. Practice the flipping motion without the spin first to get a feel of the movement.

13. Australian Bounce

This trick involves bouncing the spinning fidget spinner off a surface, like a table, and catching it again without stopping its motion. The “bounce” should make it resemble a boomerang motion.

Tips: Begin with a gentle bounce to ensure you don’t damage the spinner or the surface. A soft table mat or cushion can be used initially for practice.

14. Hand Twist

With the spinner spinning on one hand, twist your wrist in a quick motion, allowing the spinner to jump slightly and then catch it back on the same hand or the other.

Tips: The key is a quick wrist action. Make sure not to twist too hard or you might send the spinner flying!

15. Spinning it on a Bottle

Spin your fidget spinner and then carefully balance it on the mouth of a bottle. The objective is to have the spinner continue its motion atop the bottle.

Tips: Look for a bottle with a flat cap or surface. A stable table or ground is essential to prevent the bottle from tipping.

16. Leap of Faith

Start the spinner and toss it into the air. Before catching it, perform a small jump or hop, ensuring you land in time to catch it while still spinning.

Tips: Begin with a low toss and a small hop, gradually increasing the height as you become more confident.

17. The Fidget Spinner Dance

Integrate your fidget spinner tricks with dance moves. Spin the fidget spinner while incorporating hand waves, body rolls, and footwork.

Tips: Sync your moves with the rhythm of the spinner. For instance, a quick twist of the hand can coincide with a fast spin, while a slow body wave matches a gradually decelerating spinner.

18. To Dance Moves

Instead of focusing solely on hand tricks, use your entire body. Spin the fidget spinner on your elbow, knee, or even your forehead, and dance to your favorite tunes.

Tips: Ensure you’re wearing comfortable attire that allows for movement. Practice in front of a mirror to refine your coordination between dance and spin.

19. Toe Bounce

While sitting, spin the fidget spinner and gently bounce it off your toe, catching it back with your hand.

Tips: Wearing shoes or thick socks can provide a better surface for the bounce.

C) Expert Tricks

20. Spinner Swap

Start with two spinners. Spin one on your left hand and the other on your right. When both are spinning, swap their positions without stopping their motion.

Tips: This trick requires coordination between both hands. Practice the motion without the spin first to get used to the movement.

21. The Tower Stack

For this, you’ll need multiple spinners. Start by spinning one on a flat surface. Carefully place a second spinner on top of the first, ensuring it also starts spinning. Continue stacking as many as you can without them toppling.

Tips: This trick requires precision and a steady hand. Use spinners of similar sizes for better stability. Practice on a soft surface to prevent damage to the spinners if they fall.

22. Around the Back

Start spinning the spinner in your dominant hand. Transfer the spinning fidget spinner behind your back and catch it with your non-dominant hand.

Tips: Ensure you have ample space around you. It’s crucial to know the exact position of your non-dominant hand behind your back. Practice the motion without the spinner to get the muscle memory.

23. Making it Disappear 

This trick is more of an optical illusion. With the spinner in motion, use sleight of hand techniques to make it seem like the spinner has disappeared, only to reveal it still spinning in your other hand or another location.

Tips: Mastery in basic magic tricks and diversion tactics will come in handy. A quick hand and a strategic distraction are crucial. Practice in front of a mirror to perfect the illusion.

24. Juggling 

For this trick, you’ll need multiple spinners. Begin by spinning one and tossing it in the air. As it descends, toss another spinner, catching the first, and continue the juggling motion.

Tips: It’s recommended to master basic juggling techniques with regular objects before attempting this with spinning fidget spinners. A soft landing spot, like a carpeted floor, is ideal in case of drops.

25. Spinner Air-Stack

A variation of the tower stack, this trick involves stacking multiple spinners in mid-air. Start one spinner spinning and toss it slightly upward, then, using your other hand, place a second spinner beneath the first before they land.

Tips: This trick demands impeccable timing and dexterity. Start with just two spinners and ensure both are spinning at similar speeds for effective stacking.

Here’s a tutorial of some of the tricks for you to learn visually.

What Age Is Appropriate For Fidget Spinner Tricks?

Fidget spinner tricks are suitable for different ages based on their complexity. Children above 5 can do basic spinning, those around 7 can attempt simple tricks, kids 10 and up can try intermediate tricks, and those 12 or older can attempt advanced tricks. 

Regardless of age, safety is essential. Ensure the spinner is in good condition, and supervise younger children to avoid accidents. Individual skill levels can vary, so it’s important to gauge based on the child’s abilities.

How Do I Clean My Fidget Spinner?

Here’s  two ways to clean your fidget spinner: a simple clean and a deep clean.

Simple clean:

  1. Blow canned air into the spinner bearing to remove any dust or dirt.
  2. Wipe the spinner down with a clean cloth.

Deep clean:

  1. Soak the spinner in a bowl of white vinegar for 15 minutes.
  2. Use a toothbrush to scrub the spinner, paying special attention to the bearing.
  3. Rinse the spinner under running water.
  4. Dry the spinner off with a clean cloth.


  • Be careful not to use too much force when scrubbing the spinner, as this could damage the bearing.
  • If you are using white vinegar, be sure to rinse the spinner thoroughly after soaking.
  • Let the spinner dry completely before using it again.

Can I Customize My Fidget Spinner?

Absolutely! Customizing your fidget spinner can make it unique and reflect your personal style. Here are some ways you can customize it:

Stickers and Decals: Applying stickers or decals is a quick way to give your spinner a fresh look. Ensure they’re appropriately sized so they don’t interfere with the spin.

Painting: Using acrylic or enamel paints, you can paint designs on your spinner. Remember to remove the bearing first to avoid getting paint on it. After painting, let it dry thoroughly before reassembling.

Change the Caps: Some manufacturers offer different center caps in various designs and materials. Swapping them out can give a new feel and look to your spinner.

Bearing Upgrades: If you’re looking to improve performance, consider upgrading to a higher-quality bearing. This can enhance spin time and smoothness.

LED Lights: Some fidget spinners come with slots for small LED lights. If yours doesn’t, with a little creativity, you can integrate tiny LED lights to make your spinner glow in the dark.

3D Printing: If you have access to a 3D printer, you can design and print customized outer weights or even entirely new bodies for your spinner.

Add Accessories: Attach small charms or beads to your spinner for a unique look. Ensure they’re securely fastened and don’t impede the spinner’s motion.

Change Outer Weights: Some spinners allow you to swap out the outer weights. You can replace them with ones made of different materials or designs.

Engraving: If your spinner is made of metal, you can have it engraved with a design or your name.

Use Nail Polish: For a quick and easy customization, colorful nail polish can be used to add designs or patterns to your spinner. It dries fast and comes in various colors and finishes.

When customizing your fidget spinner, always ensure that any additions or modifications don’t interfere with its balance or ability to spin. And if you’re making significant changes, do so in a place where it’s okay to make a mess, like on a covered workspace.

What Are The Best Brands For Fidget Spinners?

There are many different brands of fidget spinners available, but some of the most popular and well-respected brands include:

Spinetic is a known brand for its high-quality fidget spinners. They offer a wide variety of spinners to choose from, including spinners made of different materials, with different designs, and with different features.

FidgetHQ is another popular brand for fidget spinners. They offer a diverse range of spinners, including options at different price points for different fidget spinner.

Fidget Culture is a brand that is known for its unique and innovative fidget spinners. They offer a variety of spinners that are not available from other brands.

Vorso is a brand that is known for its high-end fidget spinners. They offer a variety of spinners made of high-quality materials, such as titanium and copper.

Rotablade is a brand that is known for its fidget spinners with unique designs. They offer a variety of spinners that are shaped like different objects, such as cars, swords, and flowers.

These are just a few of the many different brands of fidget spinners available. When choosing a fidget spinner, it is important to consider your budget, your personal preferences, and the type of spinner you are looking for.

How Can I Participate In Fidget Spinner Competitions?

To participate in fidget spinner competitions:

  1. Research online for local events or competitions.
  2. Join fidget spinner communities on platforms like Reddit or Facebook.
  3. Understand the specific rules of each competition.
  4. Practice your techniques and tricks regularly.
  5. Consider hosting your own event if none are available.
  6. Attend conventions or meet-ups to learn about more events.
  7. Maintain your spinner, ensuring it’s in top condition.
  8. Register in advance for competitions and pay any fees.
  9. Stay updated on event details.
  10. Most importantly, enjoy the experience and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

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